Meet Dr. Alex…

“Where do you feel that in your body?”

This question came from a coach I’d just finished unloading a bunch of frustrations on…

And it floored me.

I had no idea how to answer the question. And I didn’t like not knowing the answer.

This served as a pivotal moment in my own journey towards letting go of all the external things we generally use to define success and happiness and instead learning to heal my inner world and find the best version of myself within.

The version of myself that has always felt a little scary and a lot out of reach.

And I hope sharing my pivotal moment, helps to inspire your own. The one where you learn to shed the layers of what the world has told you you’re supposed to do, and instead tune into the power of who you really are and what you’re really meant to do in the world.

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization and guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems.

Doc Childre – the Heartmath institute

The Emergent Humans Approach to Healing is Simple…

We believe that the high levels of chronic stress and overwhelm that plague women in the world are at the root of many of the chronic health conditions, hormone imbalances and mental health struggles we see in women today.

We also believe the key to actually healing, renewing our energy and reconnecting with ourselves in a way we maybe never have, lies with learning to get out of our heads and connect with the intelligence of our hearts.

In a fast paced world that thrives on quick fixes, the next silver bullet diet, supplement or self care activity, intellectualizing our feelings and a society breeding more and more disconnection- we invite you into a different journey.

One where we slow down, so that we can actually speed up. Get reconnected to ourselves and learn how to tap into the power of our heart intelligence and emotions. Finally release hidden emotional barriers and traumas we don’t know we’re still carrying or haven’t known what to do with. And heal our inner world so that all those things we’ve tried on the outside world finally actually work.

Are you ready to take an entirely new approach, peel back the layers that have been holding you back and finally feel like yourself again?

Emergent Humans combines HeartMath techniques, integrative healing modalities and coaching in a range of offerings that span everything from self guided journey’s to one to one support.

Self Guided Healing Journey’s

Energetic and Happy Again

“Working with Dr. Alex I have found my energy and happiness again. I’ve always plateaued in other things I’ve tried. She helped me slow down so I could finally reach the other side.”


Stephanie D.

Released Buried Trauma

“My brain is clear for the first time ever. I have more energy, healthier relationships, and I’ve released trauma I’d been ignoring for most of my life. I’m finally letting go of other peoples expectations and doing what I really want to do”


Nina H.

Energetic and Confident Again

“I quit the job that was slowly killing me and launched my coaching business. I’m happy, strong, energetic and my husband finds me attractive again!”


Kennita W.

Significant Life Transformation

“Through our work together, Dr. Alex guided me through some significant changes in my life and supported me every step of the way. I am now on a path to better health and wellness, and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to her for the role she played in my journey.”


Karen R.

Took a Leap of Faith

“I finally found the confidence in myself to launch my blog and make a plan to exit my full time job! I also learned how to work through some grief so I could start losing weight and find the energy and courage to transition.”


Cathy B.

Become ‘Nice Mommy’

“I’m less bloated and feel happier. More importantly my kids know me as nice mommy for the first time.


Davya F.